Activities Kids Playground Outdoor activities for children. Playgrounds for children located on the seashore. This will be a favorite place for families, both for children and parents, because it is right next to the sea. Let's see how it looks Photo gallery Previous Next…
Activities Papago park Červar In the untouched nature of the Poreč forest has located the first bird park of Croatia, unique in this part of Europe. If you are a bird lover, Papago Park is the right place for you. The park is inhabited…
Aktivitäten Dino park Funtana Auf 85.000 Quadratmetern im schattigen Karstwald erwarten Sie rasante Fahrgeschäfte, animierte Dinosaurier, sensationelle Live-Shows und abwechslungsreiche Gastronomiebetriebe. Der 2009 eröffnete Dinopark Funtana wurde kontinuierlich erweitert, um zahlreiche Aktivitäten für einen ganztägigen Familienausflug anzubieten. Reguläre Tickets: 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr Kinder…
Activities Dino park Funtana On 85,000 square meters in the shady karst forest you can expect racy rides, animated dinosaurs, sensational live shows and varied catering establishments. Opened in 2009, Dinopark Funtana has been continually expanded to provide numerous activities for a full-day family excursion….
Activities Adventure Park Sky Fox The Adventure Park Sky Fox Poreč Istria is located in a beautiful oak forest, as part of the famous Motodrom Poreč, in the vicinity of the place Tar, on the traffic-line Poreč-Novigrad. The park was built in the winter…