Strände Strand Insel Sveti Nikola Poreč Die Insel Sveti Nikola hat viele Strände, darunter: Sandstrand, Kiesstrand, Felsstrand. Wir empfehlen Ihnen den Sandstrand von Maro, der ideal für die ganze Familie ist und sich auf der Südostseite der Insel in der Nähe des Valamar Isabella…
Beaches Beach Island Sveti Nikola Poreč The island of Sveti Nikola has many beaches, including: sandy beach, pebbled beach, rocky beach. We wuld recommend the Maro sandy beach, ideal for the whole family, is located on the south-east side of the island near the…
Strände Strand Materada Der Nordstrand von Materada in der St. Martin’s Bay ist ein entwickelter Stadtstrand, der zu einem beliebten Reiseziel für Familien mit Kindern geworden ist. Der erfrischende Strand liegt in der Bucht St. Martin im nördlichen Teil von Poreč und kann zu…
Beaches Beach Materada The Materada North beach in the St. Martin’s Bay is a developed town beach which has become a favourite destination for families with children. The refreshed beach, located in the St. Martin’s Bay in the northern part of Poreč, can be…
Beaches Beach Bijela Uvala Bijela Uvala means spending your holiday out in the fresh air, beside the beach, and with plenty of activities to enjoy. Here you will find relaxation and fun, sport and recreation, history and culture, and numerous tourist attractions. Get ready…
Beaches Beach Zelena Laguna If you are looking for a peaceful vacation, spent at a peninsula under a canopy of pine trees, with maintained rocky and pebble beaches lapped by an emerald green sea. Let's see how it looks Photo gallery Previous Next Easy…
Beaches Beach Plava Laguna Plava Laguna Beach is a rocky hotel beach, situated on a small peninsula covered with pine trees. Galijot Plava Laguna is a resort beach with lifeguards, with lifesaving equipment, first aid, infirmary, facilities for receiving recyclable waste, ramps and toilet…
Beaches Beach parentino Parentino beach is one of the beaches of Poreč settlement, just 0.8 km from its center. The beach is located in an urban area. It is a spacious several bays coastline with crystal turquoise water and light fine pebble, so you…
Beaches Poreč City Beach The Town Beach is located in an urban setting, 1 km southern from the center of the city of Porec, beside the beach there is a suburb area, Porec south, on the northern side of the beach is Porec marina….
Aktivitäten Mieten Sie ein Fahrrad Poreč Mieten Sie ein Fahrrad in Poreč – hochwertige elektrische City- und Mountainbikes, Kinderfahrräder und Fahrräder mit Kindersitzen. Wir bieten auch Elektroroller an – die beste Art, durch die Stadt zu fahren! EIN FAHRRAD AUSLEIHEN1 Stunde 8 €3 Stunden 13 €1…